Hi, everyone!

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013

My trip in Arica.

I  can remember I was in a trip two years ago. I was in my favorite city from Chile. This is Arica. This city is near to Tacna. I think Arica is more modern than Tacna. In that city people speak Spanish, so it’s easy to understand them, but it’s possible to see many foreign tourists from different countries. Obviously, they speak different languages like English, French and Chinese.

It’s better if you travel to Arica in summer because its beaches are so beautiful. Also, people are very friendly. They’ll take you photos near “El Morro” where there’s a museum. That place is dedicated to War of the Pacific. I have to say it’s great. Don’t forget! You can eat Chilean food for example: “poroto con rienda” or you can drink “papaya soda”.

1 comentario:

  1. Good article. this help people to know more about Arica. Continue writing.
